Monday, August 9, 2010

19 Days To Go

So the 6 day poison ivy treatment was completely inadequate, and as I tapered off of it the poison ivy reflared in all the same places it was. Saturday's 22 mile run that became 14 miles in the heat didn't help matters. I had a minor meltdown freaking out at my appearance and then booked it over the Walgreen's clinic, where thankfully there was no wait! I love that place.

The nurse practitioner was appalled that the urgent care doctor had only given me a 6 day treatment. I'm starting over...and feel hopeful this will kick it! At least I'm not itchy anymore. It's looking better day 3.

I have to keep telling myself that maybe this happened for a reason...if anything, during the race I could say "this isn't as bad as the poison ivy!!!!"

Had to delay my last Big Workout a couple of days...Wed (or Thurs) will be the glorious day. 7 1/2 hours. THEN taper.

We had a nice IMKY crew get together on Sunday (thanks to the Farrells!). I'm happy to share this experience with so many stellar people. I said I'd never do all (and those KC folks that have Ironman-ed before) inspire me and make it more fun. I wouldn't want to do it alone.

New toys make everything better! Picked up the
Garmin 310xt and am totally stoked to have it for the race.

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